The Heart of Arizona's
"Copper Triangle"

Why Copper?
"Copper is the New Oil"
According to Goldman Sachs
By 2025, the metals could be priced at $15,000 a tonne, a rise of 66%. (current copper price is $9,300 per tonne) Goldman said in a report titled “Copper is the new Oil”
The report also drills down into three drivers of green copper demand: electric vehicles (EVs); solar power and wind power. The bank estimates that 5.1 million EVs likely will be sold in 2021, rising to 31.51 million EVs in the year 2030. It also forecasts that 30 million charging units will be installed in 2030.
Does copper kill germs? Yes, it's effective against COVID-19 within 4 hours
In an article on the website the Insider, "Copper has antimicrobial properties, meaning it can kill microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. However, the microorganism has to come in contact with the copper in order for it to be killed. This is referred to as "contact killing."
According to Edward Bilsky, Ph.D., Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, copper can kill germs in a few ways:
It disrupts bacterial cell membranes — copper ions damage cell membranes or "envelopes" and can destroy the DNA or RNA of the microbe
It generates oxidative stress on bacterial cells and creates hydrogen peroxide that can kill the cell
It interferes with proteins that operate important functions that keep bacterial cells alive
"Copper Makes the World work Better"
The benefits of copper range widely; from renewable energy and energy access to climate-change mitigation and adaptation, many of the global trends driving the sustainable-development agenda rely on copper and its unique properties.
Why Copper?

Why Copper?
"Copper is the New Oil"
According to Goldman Sachs
By 2025, the metals could be priced at $15,000 a tonne (U$6.80 per pound), a rise of 66%. (current copper price is $9,300 per tonne (U$4.24 per pound)) Goldman said in a report titled “Copper is the new Oil”
The report also drills down into three drivers of green copper demand: electric vehicles (EVs); solar power and wind power. The bank estimates that 5.1 million EVs likely will be sold in 2021, rising to 31.51 million EVs in the year 2030. It also forecasts that 30 million charging units will be installed in 2030.
A rising tide of electrification, as many countries seek to lower their emissions through developing new technologies, promises robust demand for years to come. Global copper production would need to rise by between 3% and 6% per annum by 2030 for countries to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement on climate change, according to a Sept. 14 Bernstein Research note.
Does copper kill germs? Yes, it's effective against COVID-19 within 4 hours
In an article on the website the Insider, "Copper has antimicrobial properties, meaning it can kill microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. However, the microorganism has to come in contact with the copper in order for it to be killed. This is referred to as "contact killing."
According to Edward Bilsky, Ph.D., Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, copper can kill germs in a few ways:
It disrupts bacterial cell membranes — copper ions damage cell membranes or "envelopes" and can destroy the DNA or RNA of the microbe
It generates oxidative stress on bacterial cells and creates hydrogen peroxide that can kill the cell
It interferes with proteins that operate important functions that keep bacterial cells alive
"Copper Makes the World work Better"
The benefits of copper range widely; from renewable energy and energy access to climate-change mitigation and adaptation, many of the global trends driving the sustainable-development agenda rely on copper and its unique properties.
A greener, healthier and more sustainable future relies on the use of copper.
Natalie Scott-Gray, a senior metals analyst at StoneX, forecasts copper demand in 2021 will rise by about 5% year-on-year, outstripping supply, which she expects to grow by 2.3% year-on-year.
If her predictions come true, that means the global copper supply will move from a small surplus in 2020 to a potential deficit of more than 200,000 tonnes of copper this year. “We do not foresee a recovery in global supply this year, with Chinese markets more or less balancing out,” she said in an interview.

Copper Prices Continue to Rise?
Copper Demand Continues to increase?

From exploration, building of processing plants, to assessing and raising hundreds of millions of dollars for mining projects, Copper Bullet Mines has access to some of the top mining professionals in the world.
Copper Bullet Mines has identified a number of copper projects in the Americas, with a focus on the United States. Stay tuned as we complete our Due Diligence.
Combined Years of Experience the team has in the Mining Industry
Processing Plants the team has built
Countries the team have worked in
Mining Projects Assessed
Copper Bullet Mines has Identified Copper assets in the Americas, and will Focus on the Western USA

Nevada, Arizona, Idaho and New Mexico ( Western United States are very Attractive for investments)
2020 Fraser Institute
Investment Attractiveness Index

Leading copper-producing mines in the U.S. in 2018, in order of output:
The mines on this list account for more than 99% of U.S. mine copper production

Copper Bullet Mines has boots on the ground in New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada, and has been assessing projects in these areas.

For any inquiries, questions or recommendations, or investment opportunities.
Please email: DanWeir@BulletMines.com or fill out the following form
Contact Us
To apply for a job with Copper Bullet Mines, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: danweir@bulletmines.com
Contact: DanWeir@BulletMines.com